Detail of the station


Kind WiGig PtP
Status Active

Antenna gain
42 dBi
0 dBm
42 dBm
2180 MHz

GPS 12.82769607° , 50.20904097°
Direction of radiation 182°

Valid until
September 15, 2025
Protected until
March 15, 2026

ID 0069045
Owner/operator 000324
Modified September 15, 2024
Created May 24, 2021

Affected stations
The coordination calculator checked for potential conflicts of the new Station (NS) with nearby Stations.
Loading data...
0127164WiGig PtPP7886There cannot appear any conflict
0127173WiGig PtMPP11329There cannot appear any conflict
0127179WiGig PtMPP11330There cannot appear any conflict
0127180WiGig PtMPP11377There cannot appear any conflict
0127186WiGig PtPP9748There cannot appear any conflict
0127191WiGig PtPP9782There cannot appear any conflict
0127129WiGig PtMPP7899There cannot appear any conflict
0127260WiGig PtPP10603There cannot appear any conflict
0127261WiGig PtPP10610There cannot appear any conflict
0127275WiGig PtPP10705There cannot appear any conflict
0127284WiGig PtMPP12136There cannot appear any conflict
0127288WiGig PtPP10847There cannot appear any conflict
0127293WiGig PtMPP12372There cannot appear any conflict
0127298WiGig PtPP10856There cannot appear any conflict
0127300WiGig PtPP10884There cannot appear any conflict
0127142WiGig PtMPP8234There cannot appear any conflict
0127128WiGig PtPP6883There cannot appear any conflict
0018940WiGig PtMPP6891There cannot appear any conflict
0127045WiGig PtPP6252There cannot appear any conflict
0018939WiGig PtMPP6890There cannot appear any conflict
0118830WiGig PtP5645There cannot appear any conflict
0118841WiGig PtP8365There cannot appear any conflict
0126991WiGig PtPP2641There cannot appear any conflict
0127034WiGig PtPP6202There cannot appear any conflict
0127036WiGig PtPP6203There cannot appear any conflict
0127044WiGig PtPP12128There cannot appear any conflict
0127047WiGig PtPP6253There cannot appear any conflict
0127127WiGig PtPP6882There cannot appear any conflict
0127061WiGig PtPP6359There cannot appear any conflict
0127100WiGig PtMPP6240There cannot appear any conflict
0127102WiGig PtPP6715There cannot appear any conflict
0127103WiGig PtMPP6240There cannot appear any conflict
0127108WiGig PtPP6721There cannot appear any conflict
0127109WiGig PtMPP6361There cannot appear any conflict
0127111WiGig PtPP6789There cannot appear any conflict
0127118WiGig PtPP6810There cannot appear any conflict
0127381WiGig PtMPP12446There cannot appear any conflict
Showing 801 - 837 of 837 items

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