Detail of the station


Kind FS PtP
Status Active

Station A Station B
Antenna gain
42 dBi 42 dBi
10 dBm 10 dBm
2100 MHz 2100 MHz
Center frequency [MHz]
58320 MHz 58320 MHz
Signal / interference ratio
16QAM: C/I = 18dB 16QAM: C/I = 18dB

Station A Station B
GPS 12.82332010° , 50.20718388° 12.82346357° , 50.20694333°

Valid until
March 14, 2025
Protected until
September 14, 2025

ID 0248116
Owner/operator 002355
Modified March 14, 2024
Created March 14, 2024

Affected stations
The coordination calculator checked for potential conflicts of the new Station (NS) with nearby Stations.
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0004974FS PtP6253 A There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0150944WiFi AP 5.8 GHz6485There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0150058WiGig PtPKL-CHelcickeho1569/14There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0150059WiGig PtPKL-zapadni1726/49There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0150060WiGig PtPKL-Krymska1722There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0150574WiGig PtPN45292There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0150581WiGig PtPN45439There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0150742WiGig PtPN45519There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0152552WiGig PtPN45615There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0149985WiGig PtPKL-Studentska50There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0152869WiGig PtPKL-Terezinska445There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0152924WiGig PtPKL-Urbich-Moskevska74There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0154074WiGig PtPN45838There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0154370WiGig PtPKL-Studentska8/18-NovotnyThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0154379WiGig PtPKL-Wolf-Plzenska1532There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0154380WiGig PtPKL-1.Maje55There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0150049WiGig PtPKL-Modenska291/22There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0149981WiGig PtPKL-Jahodova288There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0154382WiGig PtPKL-V.Meerwalda187/5There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0147374WiGig PtPSTARNET-080-KVZ-1725NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0147357WiGig PtPSTARNET-030-KVKL-328NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0147358WiGig PtPSTARNET-240-KVKL-328NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0147363WiGig PtPSTARNET-040-KVS-328NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0147364WiGig PtPSTARNET-055-KVS-328NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0147365WiGig PtPSTARNET-260-KVS-328NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0147372WiGig PtPSTARNET-110-KVZ-1725NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0147375FS PtPSTARNET-KVZ1725-KVS107 A There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0149978WiGig PtPKL-KLinhartu198There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0147377WiGig PtPSTARNET-015-KVZ-1725NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0147449WiGig PtPSTARNET-100-JNL-245NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0147451WiGig PtPSTARNET-310-KVPL-1606NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0147455WiGig PtPSTARNET-200-KVP-63NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0147570WiGig PtMPP18951There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0148630WiGig PtPN45133There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0149976WiGig PtPKL-Svejdova-Komenskeho166There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0154381WiGig PtPKL-Plzenska1606There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0154384WiGig PtPKL-Jenisov147-PacalajThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0147145WiGig PtPN45097There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0171512WiGig PtMPP19961There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0171296WiGig PtPN47350There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0171443WiGig PtPN47141There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0171465WiGig PtPN47325There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0171479WiGig PtMPP19890There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0171481WiGig PtPN47424There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0171488WiGig PtMPP19893There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0175096WiGig PtP180-KVC-067NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0171196WiGig PtPN37640There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0176023WiGig PtPN48391There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0176398WiGig PtP9707There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0177758WiGig PtPN48515There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0178947WiGig PtMPKL-Modenska102/11There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0178948WiGig PtMPKL-Sumavska1663-HruskovaThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0178949WiGig PtMPKL-Brozikova1565-HeindlovaThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0171275WiGig PtPN47494There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0171191WiGig PtPN39030There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0154403WiGig PtPKl-Pocernicka48-HolecekThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0156237WiGig PtPKL-Kpt. Jaroše 319/19aThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0154813WiGig PtPN46014There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0156232WiGig PtPKL-Chebská 50/42There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0156233WiGig PtPKL-Chebska76/62There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0156234WiGig PtPKL-K.Kucery228There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0156235WiGig PtPKL-Ferko-Kpt. Jarose142There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0156236WiGig PtPKL-Jerabkova-A.Heimanna232There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0156238WiGig PtPKL-KKucery243There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0171169WiGig PtPP17187There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0156247WiGig PtPkl-m.rovenske1027/29There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0156868WiGig PtPN46251There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0160503WiGig PtPP19571There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0161625WiGig PtPN46756There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0162099WiGig PtMPP19670There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0162103WiGig PtPP19746There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0167378WiFi AP 5.8 GHz330-KVZ-1725NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0147356WiGig PtPSTARNET-345-KVKL-328NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0146669WiGig PtPN44918There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0178964WiGig PtPKL-Kpt.Jarose153/11There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127744WiGig PtMPP9564There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127628WiGig PtMPP7859There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127631WiGig PtMPP7900There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127678WiGig PtMPP3595There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127692WiGig PtMPP3596There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127694WiGig PtMPP3597There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127696WiGig PtMPP3598There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127751WiGig PtMPP4014There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127605WiGig PtMPP6886There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127752WiGig PtMPP4015There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127759WiGig PtMPP9732There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127916WiGig PtPP17074There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127920WiGig PtMPP17186There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127926WiGig PtMPP17437There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0128106WiGig PtMPP17230There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127608WiGig PtMPP6887There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127603WiGig PtMPP6881There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0128189WiGig PtPN40277There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127383WiGig PtPP12614There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127188WiGig PtPP9749There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127260WiGig PtPP10603There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127284WiGig PtMPP12136There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127293WiGig PtMPP12372There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0127298WiGig PtPP10856There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0004974FS PtP6253 B There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
Showing 1 - 100 of 606 items

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