Detail of the station


Kind WiGig PtP
Status Active

Antenna gain
42 dBi
10 dBm
52 dBm
2180 MHz

GPS 12.88096336° , 50.25197910°
Direction of radiation 80°

Valid until
March 21, 2025
Protected until
September 21, 2025

ID 0152530
Owner/operator 000324
Modified March 16, 2024
Created September 15, 2022

Affected stations
The coordination calculator checked for potential conflicts of the new Station (NS) with nearby Stations.
Loading data...
0190753FS PtP7591 A There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0005805FS PtP5702 B There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0005805FS PtP5702 A There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0020196FS PtP3957 B There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0102715WiFi AP 5.8 GHz3988There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0021735FS PtPKVC888-KVS1727 B There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0296934WiFi AP 5.8 GHzSTARNET-030-KVUT-076NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0026223FS PtP7696 A There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0026223FS PtP7696 B There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0274108WiFi AP 5.8 GHzSTARNET-100-KVL-451NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0283930FS PtPTaborska372-Lidicka451 B There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0283930FS PtPLidicka451-Taborska372 A There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0028101FS PtPKVL451-KVL257 A There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0028101FS PtPKVL451-KVL257 B There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0304332WiFi AP 5.8 GHzSTARNET-120-KVO-756NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0028103FS PtPKVL451-KVV019 A There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0028103FS PtPKVL451-KVV019 B There is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0296924WiFi AP 5.8 GHzSTARNET-260-KVZ-1725NThere is not any conflict between this and new station. You can place the new station
0152868WiGig PtPSTARNET-030-TA-372NThere cannot appear any conflict
0147431WiGig PtPSTARNET-340-KVV-1559NThere cannot appear any conflict
0184370WiGig PtMPP19742There cannot appear any conflict
0184377WiGig PtMPP19800There cannot appear any conflict
0152881WiGig PtPKL-Chomutovska745/9There cannot appear any conflict
0184296WiGig PtMPP17999There cannot appear any conflict
0184295WiGig PtMPP17998There cannot appear any conflict
0184277WiGig PtMPP17434There cannot appear any conflict
0152870WiGig PtPKL-V.Rezace284/6There cannot appear any conflict
0147414WiGig PtPSTARNET-250-KVH-638NThere cannot appear any conflict
0147417WiGig PtPSTARNET-065-KVN-112NThere cannot appear any conflict
0152884WiGig PtPKL-Ostrovska275/5There cannot appear any conflict
0147405WiGig PtPSTARNET-015-FXS-229NThere cannot appear any conflict
0147406WiGig PtPSTARNET-220-FXS-229NThere cannot appear any conflict
0156173WiGig PtPKl-Skolni828/5There cannot appear any conflict
0152891WiGig PtPKL-VANEK-UTRATI176There cannot appear any conflict
0152890WiGig PtPKL-UTrati76/40-ChybnarThere cannot appear any conflict
0152889WiGig PtPKL-Lomena250/4There cannot appear any conflict
0147409WiGig PtPSTARNET-275-KVO-120NThere cannot appear any conflict
0147416WiGig PtPSTARNET-300-KVN-112NThere cannot appear any conflict
0147410WiGig PtPSTARNET-150-KVO-120NThere cannot appear any conflict
0152883WiGig PtPKL-Lokomotiva-Krusnohorska272/21There cannot appear any conflict
0152882WiGig PtPKL-Michlik-Chomutovska745There cannot appear any conflict
0147413WiGig PtPSTARNET-200-KVH-638NThere cannot appear any conflict
0184272WiGig PtMPP17366There cannot appear any conflict
0147415WiGig PtPSTARNET-100-KVH-638NThere cannot appear any conflict
0184273WiGig PtMPP17367There cannot appear any conflict
0184173WiGig PtMPP18848There cannot appear any conflict
0184270WiGig PtMPP17363There cannot appear any conflict
0182027WiGig PtPN48516There cannot appear any conflict
0147467WiGig PtPSTARNET-111-KVO-808NThere cannot appear any conflict
0147456WiGig PtPSTARNET-010-SNV-195NThere cannot appear any conflict
0147446WiGig PtPSTARNET-066-KVUK-915NThere cannot appear any conflict
0147444WiGig PtPSTARNET-130-KVUK-915NThere cannot appear any conflict
0178953WiGig PtMPSTARNET-300-KVH-638NThere cannot appear any conflict
0147443WiGig PtPSTARNET-025-KVUK-915NThere cannot appear any conflict
0147440WiGig PtPSTARNET-280-KVL451There cannot appear any conflict
0147439WiGig PtPSTARNET-000-KVL451There cannot appear any conflict
0147438WiGig PtPSTARNET-075-KVL451There cannot appear any conflict
0178962WiGig PtPKL-5.Kvetna393There cannot appear any conflict
0178963WiGig PtMPKL-NADRAZNI61/8-SKARDOVAThere cannot appear any conflict
0178968WiGig PtMPKL-Nejdlova935-FaberaThere cannot appear any conflict
0182026WiGig PtPN28103There cannot appear any conflict
0182065WiGig PtPN28103There cannot appear any conflict
0184247WiGig PtMPP15849There cannot appear any conflict
0182066WiGig PtPN48516There cannot appear any conflict
0147436WiGig PtPSTARNET-035-KVL451There cannot appear any conflict
0147435WiGig PtPSTARNET-035-KVG32There cannot appear any conflict
0182551WiGig PtPP20606There cannot appear any conflict
0152559WiGig PtPN45677There cannot appear any conflict
0183107WiGig PtPN48759There cannot appear any conflict
0147434WiGig PtPSTARNET-345-KVG32There cannot appear any conflict
0147432WiGig PtPSTARNET-315-KVV-1559NThere cannot appear any conflict
0184160WiGig PtPN49289There cannot appear any conflict
0184168WiGig PtMPP17715There cannot appear any conflict
0147390WiGig PtPSTARNET-260-KKR-270NThere cannot appear any conflict
0184174WiGig PtMPP19775There cannot appear any conflict
0184246WiGig PtMPP15848There cannot appear any conflict
0156172WiGig PtPKL-Zavodumiru682There cannot appear any conflict
0156156WiGig PtPKL-Anglicka1342There cannot appear any conflict
0147388WiGig PtPSTARNET-200-KKR-270NThere cannot appear any conflict
0152898WiGig PtPKL-Chulkov-PrazskaSilnice2134There cannot appear any conflict
0152895WiGig PtPKL-Raisova1180/10There cannot appear any conflict
0147367WiGig PtPSTARNET-130-KVAP-289NThere cannot appear any conflict
0154387WiGig PtPKL-Italska1331There cannot appear any conflict
0154386WiGig PtPKL_I.P.Pavlova56-ProkupekThere cannot appear any conflict
0154385WiGig PtPKL-UKoupaliste846/20There cannot appear any conflict
0154383WiGig PtPSTARNET-230-CAN-023NThere cannot appear any conflict
0154372WiGig PtPSTARNET-180-KVKO-718NThere cannot appear any conflict
0154371WiGig PtPKL-Hasic-K Panelarne172There cannot appear any conflict
0154343WiGig PtPN45908There cannot appear any conflict
0154342WiGig PtPN45852There cannot appear any conflict
0152896WiGig PtPKL-Svoboda-Moravska1071There cannot appear any conflict
0152897WiGig PtPKL-Vanicek-KVLibusina514/34There cannot appear any conflict
0154339WiGig PtPKL-Gagarinova511-JanischovaThere cannot appear any conflict
0152893WiGig PtPKL-Ondrejska118/18There cannot appear any conflict
0152899WiGig PtPKL-Hynaisova685/3There cannot appear any conflict
0152900WiGig PtPKL-LUDVIK-NAVYFUKU148There cannot appear any conflict
0154074WiGig PtPN45838There cannot appear any conflict
0154072WiGig PtPN45794There cannot appear any conflict
0152901WiGig PtPKL-Hovorkova-NaVyfuku192There cannot appear any conflict
0154066WiGig PtMPP19101There cannot appear any conflict
Showing 301 - 400 of 1643 items

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